In this series, We will take you along a shoot we did, talking about the concept we had for the shoot and the final results. What the intention was for the shoot and why, in this post I will take you along the creative images if shot for Jevie Skin.
At the beginning of 2024, A stylist sent me a message if I wanted to shoot for her portfolio at The 18 Studio. Which is a daylight studio in Dronten, the Netherlands. It was a small 4-hour shoot, including building lights, shooting and taking everything down. So let me take you with us on the shoot.
Something I hear a lot of photographers struggle with, letting their clients choosing the images. Some days you may do it on set, but on other days you just prefer to do the shoot and head home. I wasn't happy about sending contact sheets and searched for something different. And that was the moment when I found Picflow.
Back in 2020 we had the chance to do a content shoot for Livera. Showing their newest lingerie and pyjamas. We all did it in the cosy ness of a hotel.
Geen Bluf! x Make-up Studio One Face is a make-up pallet these two brands collaborate on after working together for 15 years. Collaborations are always fun to photograph, Geen Bluf is a Dutch make-up agency mainly focussing on make-up of (Dutch)movies and series. Make-up Studio is a beauty brand established in Amsterdam. They made the One Face Pallet Together.
Texture is something I really admire when shooting. So during this shoot with Isha van Dijk that was something that I wanted to achieve both in the background and with the clothing. Curious about this shoot?
I'm writing this blogpost on 7 July 2023, and I just got a reminder on Facebook that I Facetimed Dominique to tell her that our work would be published in the August number of Beau Monde. We were beyond excited, and let me tell you a bit more about the shoot.
Working with a stylist is something I admired for a long time. But finding one that is willing to collaborate to create stunning images is quite hard to find. During this shoot, I had my first collaboration with Dominique, and we didn't stop collaborating since.
Since 2018 I look back on the shoots I did in the year. And this is the first year we started with Studio Taupe. But I thought it will be fun to keep this tradition going by posting an annual review of 2023. I will take you along the shoots we did back in 2023.
Sinds 2018 maak ik elk jaar een jaaroverzicht van de fotografie die ik heb gedaan. Sinds 2023 zijn we natuurlijk over gegaan naar Studio Taupe. Maar het leek mij ontzettend leuk om deze traditie te blijven doen. Ik neem je mee in de shoots die we in 2023 hebben gedaan.